Good bird day.

So today started well with 4 thornbills, 2 spinebills and 2 silvereyes in the north birdbath. So happy to see them there. Some must have come from across the road where they are clearing the understory. I wish they wouldn’t. I mean OK, the cotoneasters are not the best trees for this area but they do provide home and cover to numerous birds and getting rid of them in six months seems too fast. Still I can’t complain I guess if it means that we get more little birds but it does mean I should be planting more small bird food.

The magpie family dropped in for dinner. So did the large group of pied currawongs that are always around at this time of the year. Two kookaburras and a bucherbird. More reason to plant some spikey plants. The usual wattlebirds were around, many pigeons, corellas, rosellas, 4 king parrots and a mess of cockies.

The poor PBFD cockie is in a bad way. We’re trying to get him to get used to us so we can catch him and take him to the vet. It worries me that the other birds are in contact with him, but PBFD is endemic. They would likely come into contact with it anyway and I’m cleaning the water when he leaves. Poor thing. His beak is rotted away so that his mouth is open all the time. He has to lick up seed. He’s missing lots of feather and must be cold. At least he’ll have a full belly until we catch him.  I hate watching him. It breaks my heart.

Sunny but cool with light breeze today.